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Dear Customers,

In response to the “Ministry of the Interior’s Policy of Promoting the Issuance of the New UI Number for the Foreign Nationals”, if you have already been issued a new UI Number, you are reminded of the following:

資料變更說明: 請您本人攜帶換發之「最新身分證件(居留證)」正本和護照正本,親臨開戶分公司辦理變更統一證號作業事宜。
Please bring the original copy of your “latest identity certificate (Residence Permit)” and passport to account opening branch to change your UI Number.

代收/付款項注意事項: 若您完成統一證號變更後,建議您洽銀行同步變更您的統一證號,才能順利完成您與該單位約定之入/扣款作業。 After you have completed changing your UI Number, we suggest you contact bank to update your new UI Number at the same time in order to smoothly complete the payment deposit/deduction operations you have agreed with them.

更多資訊,可洽內政部移民署「外來人口新式統一證號專區」查詢: https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/7445/238440/
For more information, please refer to the “New UI Number Format for Foreign Nationals” section by the National Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior: https://www.immigration.gov.tw/5385/7445/238440/

如有任何疑問,請撥打本公司證券客服電話: (07)211-8888
If you have any questions, please call our customer service hotline at (07)211-8888. We shall do our best to serve you, and thank you for your cooperation and support.